Find out more about information you can expect to see on the Care Information Exchange and how it gets there

Find out more about information you can expect to see on the Care Information Exchange and how it gets there

How does information get into my record?
There are two ways in which information can go into your record on the Care Information Exchange. One is that you enter it yourself. And the other is that a healthcare provider transfers data into your record.

What information will I see in my record?
The information may include:

  • Blood test results
  • X-ray and scan reports
  • Letters and discharge summaries
  • Appointments
  • Social care

How do I let my health and care professionals see my record?
Healthcare staff using the Care Information Exchange are set up in teams related to the service they provide, for example, the renal team or the rheumatology team. You can allow a team to see your record.

How much of my record can a team see?
You can control this. Information is labelled with one of four ‘privacy categories:  general, mental, sexual, or social. You can choose which of these categories of information a team sees, and which they do not.

How is information allocated to these privacy categories?
Where information is added to your record from a hospital computer system, the category will be selected automatically based on the type of appointment or test. You can change these categories if you think that they are wrong. In particular, we recommend you check that you agree with the categorisation of letters and results with additional comments where they might refer to a condition you prefer not to share with certain teams.

Why can’t I see all of my information?
Transferring information securely from hospital computer systems into the Care Information Exchange is technically complicated so it takes time to get it right. It is also a big change for both patients and healthcare staff so it is important to make the change in stages so that everyone learns as we go along.

Messaging and patient consultations
Some organisations also use CIE for messaging between patients and professionals and to enable patients to complete questionnaires about their health.

If I have questions about my record, who can I ask?
You may have queries about what you see in your record. If these are clinical questions – such as whether you need to take action based on a blood test result – you should contact your clinical team as normal.